About App
Svagon enables people to create events in locations that selected on map and allows them to attend events of others. Thus enables people to get socialize in real life. Socializing not randomly but place, time and topic that person wants highens socializing experience.

What makes Svagon unique?
In today's world, where metaverse like concepts trending, give importance to real life experience.
Unlike other alike apps event creation process is not central. Anyone can create event.
Makes it easy to select and search locations with map integration.

Mehmet Çelik
Ege Yılmaz
Zeynep Demir

About App
Svagon enables people to create events in locations that selected on map and allows them to attend events of others. Thus enables people to get socialize in real life. Socializing not randomly but place, time and topic that person wants highens socializing experience.
What makes Svagon unique?
In today's world, where metaverse like concepts trending, give importance to real life experience.
Unlike other alike apps event creation process is not central. Anyone can create event.
Makes it easy to select and search locations with map integration.

Mehmet Çelik
Ege Yılmaz
Zeynep Demir